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Hooray! We’ve surpassed our Women’s Health hat trick this year with a fourth wonderful shout-out. This time, it’s our ‘For daily immunity’ getting the spotlight. Informally known as our autumn/winter favourite, we’re delighted to see it’s having a moment over with the WH team too. Plus, it’s in great company - we’ve also received recommendations for these supplements from the magazine in 2018:
In the latest article, Women’s Health say:
“Modern lifestyles and increased stress can have a negative impact on the immune system”
…And we can safely say, we know the feeling! Therefore, being mindful of what we put in our bodies is important, particularly at this time of year. As well as recommending ‘For daily immunity’, Women’s Health explain that eating nutrient-rich foods ‘provide the building blocks and co-factors for many immune cells’. Eating fermented foods, fresh fruit, vegetables and quality protein instead of the highly-processed, sugary treats we might crave as the temperature drops and the nights draw in, is key to this season’s self-care.
So – why should you try ‘For daily immunity’? Aside from the fact Women’s Health label it as probiotic supplement with promise, of course…