Introducing friendly bacteria to your daily routine

New beginnings can be daunting. If you are at the start of your journey of introducing friendly bacteria to your daily routine then you may be unsure of what to expect. Here, we offer all the reassurance and guidance you need to successfully begin a lifelong friendship with your gut.

What to expect

Many people feel great from day one of starting to take a friendly bacteria supplement for the first time. 

However, some people find they feel more bloated and gassy, or experience discomfort or a change in bowel movements, for the first few days. This is perfectly normal while the gut microbiome gets used to the new bacteria, and can actually be a good sign that the friendly bacteria are working.

It is also worth considering that some people don't do so well on FOS fibres so trying a different product without FOS fibres, like Every Day EXTRA, may help. Everyone's microbiome is unique, so while it's possible that you don't do so well on one friendly bacteria supplement, you will do much better on another supplement with different strains.

If your symptoms are uncomfortable then we suggest reducing the dosage for up to seven days, to allow your body to gently adjust.

How to adjust the dosage

  • Capsules: open the capsule and pour half of the contents into water or sprinkle onto cool foods (throw the rest away)
  • Sachets: use half the sachet, secure it tightly and use the other half the next day
  • Liquid drops: use roughly half of the dosage measured on the dropper (once the bottle has been opened, use within 30 days)
  • Gummies: cut the gummy in half (you can return the other half to the pouch for the next day)

In some people, symptoms can last up to 10-14 days. It is important to keep going and not give up - your gut microbiome may just need a little time to ease into the new routine.

Please do get in touch with our expert team for individual advice if you are experiencing discomfort after a couple of weeks.

How to get the most from your supplement

  • Take your Optibac with breakfast - although other brands may suggest taking their supplements on an empty stomach, our research shows that taking friendly bacteria with food in best. We recommend taking your friendly bacteria supplement in the morning with breakfast, or your first meal of the day. This is because our friendly bacteria strains survive best when the stomach's gastric acidity is above pH 3, which is what naturally happens in the stomach during mealtimes.
  • Find the best way to take your Optibac - check the intake instructions of your supplement to ensure that you are taking it correctly. All of our supplements have a dedicated 'how to use' section giving details of recommended use to help you get the most from your supplement. For example, you may prefer to open your capsule and sprinkle the friendly bacteria on your breakfast, but nothing too warm as this kills the bacteria. Please refer to these instructions and get in touch with our nutrition team if you have any further questions.
  • Always store your supplements correctly - general guidance is to store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Some products benefit from being stored in the fridge for maximum potency. For best results, do not remove the desiccant sachet from the glass jar, if you are taking one of our capsule supplements, and close the lid firmly after each use.

Good things take time

Taking live cultures is very safe. But your body may still need time to adjust to the new microorganisms in your gut. Whilst we appreciate that digestive changes, such as an increase in gas and bloating, are uncomfortable and unpleasant, we encourage you to keep going and not give up after just a few days.

Think about starting a new exercise class - your muscles complain at first until they get used to the exercise, then you feel great and never look back! Taking a new friendly bacteria supplement can be much the same. The NHS recommends trying friendly bacteria every day for at least 4 weeks1, and we agree.

It is always important to choose a friendly bacteria supplements that fits your health needs. For more guidance on choosing the best supplement for you please read which is the best friendly bacteria supplement? or get in touch with our experts.



Choosing the best probiotic supplement image

Talk to a qualified expert

If you're not sure which supplement to choose you can book a 1:1 15 minute consultation with one of our Nutritional Therapists or use our chat service by clicking on the orange button in the bottom right of your screen.

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