Hello and thank you for taking the time to read more about us.
My name is Farah and this is our story: My siblings and I started up the Optibac brand in 2004 with the help of our father, under the company name Wren Laboratories Ltd. Dad had dedicated over 35 years to working as a successful community pharmacist, and given our passion for health & wellbeing, we were keen to move into something with a stronger focus on natural health. We all take our supplements on a daily basis - between us & our kids, most often a combination of Every Day, Gut Health Gummies, Kids Gummies and For Women - and believe wholeheartedly in what we do.
Our expertise is in specific, credible strains. This is very important as research continues to show that different live cultures will have different modes of action in the body. We are proud to have introduced a number of strains to the UK, including pure Saccharomyces boulardii, Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12® and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1® and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14® in For Women.
There are so many things about Optibac that we’re proud of. Personally, I love the science behind our range of live cultures supplements. Our products are backed by hundreds of clinical trials and have been researched in thousands of people across the world.
As a business, we're continuously striving for excellence, and it’s not just the science that makes our products so great - my brother Jalal was the driving force behind introducing new eco-conscious packaging to our range in 2021. It’s always been our mission to help look after people and the planet.
That’s why it’s also important to us to give back to the local and wider community. My sister Soraya champions our charitable donations, particularly our partnership with Womankind Worldwide. We are proud to say that we've contributed to this international women's rights organisation since 2014, donating over £1 million so far! You can find out more about our other charitable partnerships on our Charity & Sustainability page.
We are also members of the Health Food Manufacturer's Association and Buy Women Built, which Soraya regularly attends. Off the back of my own networking and mentoring I was extremely proud to have been shortlisted as a finalist for the Women of the Future awards in 2022.