Red & Cosmo Magazines Like Optibac

Samuel Ter Haar Lifestyle Writer

As we all start returning to everyday life after the festive break, those January blues are starting to kick in. Christmas is behind us, gone faster than it takes to unwrap our favourite prezzie. With it, we leave behind the season of over-indulging, long naps on the sofa, food comas, Christmas jumpers and drinking, perhaps, just a little too much.

It's time to hit the reset button as we start thinking about the resolutions we want to make for the year ahead. To help you feel more refreshed for the new year, both Red & Cosmo magazines have offered a helping hand by asking nutritionist Naomi Mead to discuss the four healthy things she does each morning.

Red magazine front cover

In the two articles, Naomi (give her a follow on twitter for great health tips this January) provides some digestible, practical and relevant advice to help you start each day in a healthier way, and we're thrilled that she says she takes Optibac as part of her morning ritual. She mentions why live cultures are best taken at breakfast as well as offering up some wise nuggets of information. For example, she says that, by having a mug of hot water with some lemon and fresh ginger each morning, you not only cleanse your digestive tract but also stimulate your liver and provide some immune-boosting vitamin C to start the day - pretty cool, right?

Woman stretching from waking

We've also been featured by Red Magazine's very own beauty director, Annabel Meggeson. She says that she is:

"REALISING just how important it is to take a probiotic for all round health"

Annabel likes Optibac, and, of course, we do too! We love that more and more people are as passionate as we are about friendly bacteria! If, like many this festive period, you've been a little under the weather, try some of the tips offered up by Naomi to fight those January sniffles.